Tuesday, March 9, 2010

When was the last time you took a bubble bath and forgot to turn the faucet off ?

ages...mine has an electronic sensor in it and will automatically shut off...no overflow here.When was the last time you took a bubble bath and forgot to turn the faucet off ?
Tyler, Tyler, Tyler... Between the two of us, I'm sure ONE of us will remember to shut off the water...When was the last time you took a bubble bath and forgot to turn the faucet off ?
Never, I take showers
I take showers
Penfold overflowed the fish tank once, big time, the feckin air cadet! I was just getting in some synchronized swimming with the fantails and suddenly this vortex spun us all into fit of the benzies and the next minute, I was losing them, as the surface tension had broke and I had to cling on to the magnetic glass cleaner for dear life.

The living room and utility room took hours to clean up.
I never turn off the faucet...i have taps
Never! I usually take showers but every once in a while I'll take a bath. But last night my brother forgot to turn it off and it overflowed. He's really imature most of the time.
I have a bubble bath every nite and never forget the faucet..hmmmm

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